Publication Ethics / Author's Guideline


“ADADA” is an acronym for “Asia Digital Art and Design Association,” an international alliance consisting of several organizations, as following:

  1. Japan: ADADA Japan
    1. Korea: ADADA Korea, Society of Design Convergence Korea
      1. Indonesia: ADADA Indonesia
        1. Malaysia: ADADA Malaysia
          1. Taiwan: ADADA Taiwan

            Publication Malpractice Statement: Handling of unethical publishing behavior

            In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the publisher, in close collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum, clarification, or, in the most severe case, the retraction of the affected work. The publisher, together with the editors, shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

            1. Regarding ADADA International Journal

            • ADADA publishes an international journal called “ADADA International Journal.”
              • ADADA always accepts thesis contributions.
                • Submission Schedule will be provided separately.
                  • Author Guidelines will be provided separately.
                    • Submission Process will be provided separately.
                      • ADADA International Journal is published online as an electronic journal. The process of online publishing will be provided separately.

                        2. Qualifications for Submission

                        All authors must be ADADA Members; ADADA Members can join free of charge from myADADA.

                        3.Prohibition of Double Submission

                        Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted to another conference. Also, papers, including the same contents, must not be published in or contributed to other journals by quoting the name of the same author or anyone of the authors.

                        4. Language of Paper

                        Papers must be written in English.

                        5. Category of Paper

                        • Original Article
                          • The writer’s study related to any task of digital art and design, based on media technology. The study should consider all the examinations and proposals theoretically and empirically. It should also be recognized for its originality and scientific value so that it can be worth sharing with other members of the alliance and those who work with the design.
                          • Art Paper
                            • The paper must be composed of the writer’s experiments and the results, relevant commentary, and relation to digital art and design. The study should display originality with its writing process, concept, representation, and expression techniques. It should also be recognized for its worth to be shared with other members of the alliance and those who work with the design.

                            6. Editorial Committee of ADADA International Journal

                            • ADADA administers the Editorial Committee of ADADA International.
                              • Editorial Committee consists of the following members: Editorial Chairman (1 person)Vice Chairmen (2 people)Editors (15 people)
                                • ADADA Editorial Committee enact the code of conduct for editors to respecting high standards of publication ethics

                                  7. Final Approval

                                  The adoption of a submitted paper is made according to the decision of ADADA Editorial committee, and the author will be notified by the chairman of ADADA Editorial committee, when a decision has been made.

                                  8. Peer Review

                                  1. All reviewing process is conducted on Double-Blind.
                                    1. Editorial Committee recruits one meta reviewer and two reviewers.
                                      1. Reviewers screen the paper and report to the meta reviewer after stipulating the results and their opinions on a designated report.
                                        1. Meta reviewer makes a decision whether to accept the paper depending on the acceptance of the Editorial Committee of ADADA.
                                          1. Based on each reviewer’s result, the meta reviewer conducts a final result as Accept, Conditional Accept or Reject.
                                            1. Referring to the author’s revise, the meta reviewer can call for a second reviewing by the same reviewers. (one time only, when needed).
                                              1. The author will be notified of the result by the ADADA office as soon as a decision has been made.
                                                1. In case that a submitted paper is supposed to be a wrong or not suitable category, Editorial Committee might propose a change of category.

                                                  9. Length of Paper

                                                  Papers should not exceed 6 to 10 pages, excluding references.

                                                  10. Publication Fees

                                                  Authors of published papers will be charged $400 for each article. This charge must be paid before publication(Electronic Journal)

                                                  11. Date of Reception

                                                  Applications will be time and date stamped upon receipt. If revisions are necessary, revised plans are also dated and stamped upon receipt.

                                                  12. Date of Publication

                                                  All papers that appear online are considered published. The date that appears online is the definitive publication date.

                                                  13. Publication Ethics

                                                  ADADA International Journal is committed to respecting high standards of ethics in the editorial and reviewing process and adheres to the code of conduct for editors enacted by the ADADA Editorial Committee. The journal wishes to make sure that contributors respect these standards.

                                                  The guidelines on good publication practice for authorship can be found on ADADA Code of Ethics for Author. During the electronic submission process, authors will be asked to follow these guidelines and declare any potential conflicts of interest. For further information on publication ethics at ADADA International Journal, please see ADADA Code of Ethics for Editor, ADADA Code of Ethics for Reviewer, ADADA Code of Ethics for Publisher.

                                                  14. Copyrights and Others

                                                  1. Copyrights of all the articles, including published papers, belong to ADADA.
                                                    1. Moreover, in the case that the authors or the association he/she is required to use the paper without revising, the title of the journal, publication number, quoted pages, and date of publication should be specified without fail.
                                                      1. All contents in the paper, including texts and charts, must not infringe others’ copyrights.
                                                        1. Papers must not have any moral or ethical problems.
                                                          1. All authors must agree before the paper is contributed.

                                                            15. Annual Schedule

                                                            Process \ PublicationOct Jan April July
                                                            * Reception6/1 – 309/1 – 3012/1 – 303/1-30
                                                            Request a Screening by the Editorial Chairman7/1 – 710/1 – 71/4 – 73/31-4/6
                                                            Request a Screening by the Editorial Vice Chairman7/8 – 1410/8 – 141/8 – 134/7-13
                                                            Peer Review7/15 – 8/410/15 – 11/41/14 – 2/34/14 - 5/4
                                                            Revision8/5 – 2511/5 – 252/4 – 245/5 - 25
                                                            Second-order Peer Review8/26 – 9/811/26 – 12/92/25 – 3/105/26 - 6/8
                                                            Decision by a Meta-Reviewer9/9 – 1512/10 – 163/11 – 176/9 - 15
                                                            Editing (Electronic journal)9/16 – 3012/17 – 273/18 – 4/16/16 - 30
                                                            Publishing (Electronic journal)10/11/44/27/1

                                                            * Papers submitted outside of the acceptance period will be assigned to the next closest issue.