Submission Guideline

  1. General Provisions
    1. These guidelines apply to all papers submitted to the ADADA International Conference.
      1. Authors must adhere to these guidelines and ensure that their submissions meet academic and ethical standards.
        1. While these guidelines serve as the general framework for paper submissions, specific details may be subject to change annually based on the nature of each year’s conference. Authors should refer to the respective conference website for updated details.
        2. Eligibility for Submission
          1. The ADADA International Conference welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners, and students engaged in digital art and design research across Asia.
            1. Authors must confirm that all co-authors agree to the submission and comply with these guidelines.
              1. All authors must be members of ADADA. Membership is free and can be obtained by creating an account on myADADA.
              2. Submission Content
                1. Submitted papers must present original and unpublished research results and should not have been previously published in other academic journals or conferences.
                  1. If a submission is based on research previously presented at another academic journals or conference, the submitted paper must include new findings or additional research outcomes.
                  2. Paper Format
                    1. Papers must be formatted according to the designated template, which is available for download on the official conference website.
                      1. The length of submitted papers varies by submission category; authors should refer to the respective conference website for category-specific requirements.
                        1. All papers must be written in English, and professional academic English is encouraged.
                        2. Submission Procedure
                          1. Papers must be submitted via the online submission system specified by the ADADA International Conference.
                            1. At the time of submission, authors must provide author information, paper title, abstract, and keywords.
                              1. The submission deadline must be strictly followed as indicated on the official conference website.
                              2. Copyright Policy
                                1. The copyright of accepted papers will be jointly held by the authors and ADADA.
                                  1. Authors must guarantee that their submissions do not infringe on the copyrights of others.
                                    1. Accepted papers will be made publicly available through services registered or managed by ADADA.
                                    2. Ethical Standards
                                      1. Submitted papers must adhere to research ethics and must not contain fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or any other form of academic misconduct.
                                        1. Research involving human or animal subjects must clearly state that appropriate ethical considerations and approvals have been obtained.
                                        2. Review Process
                                          1. All submitted papers will undergo a single-blind peer review by experts, based on which acceptance decisions will be made.
                                            1. Review outcomes will be communicated as either accepted or rejected. However, for special submission categories linked with journals, such as the Journal Track, a conditional acceptance may also be issued.
                                            2. Other Provisions
                                              1. Matters not specified in these guidelines will be determined by the ADADA International Conference Organizing Committee.