Publication Fee
Fees for publication of ADADA Journal is $400 per article. Confirm your amount of payment, then click “go to Credit Card transaction” button.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Please email refund requests to ADADA REGISTRATION Management at ofni.adada@eciffo. A cancellation fee of $50(US) will be charged.
International Alliance Fee
Admission Fee
Fee for admission is $1,000 US. It should be paid in only first year so that a new member joins to ADADA alliance member.
Annual Membership Fee
Fees for enrollments of alliance and Annual Membership fee is $1,000 per year. Confirm your amount of payment, then click “go to Credit Card transaction” button.
Optional Payment
In the case that you are going to pay double publication fees, admission and alliance fee at the same time, You may set and pay your amount by clicking below link.