
Best Papers

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    Creation of Fluid Art under Microgravity Using Free-Fall, Naoko Tosa, Yunian Pang, Shigetaka Toba and Ryohei Nakatsu, Kyoto University, Japan

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    Sound as a Form Generator: Experimental Design Project Using Sound Data as a Source to Generate Forms, Mafalda Narciso, Seoul National University, South Korea

Excellent Presentations

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    Bouncy Boids - Moving boids using non-conventional movement methods in a real-time environment, Michael Brandse, Digital Hollywood University, Japan

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    A Study of Cultural Significance in Mainland Chinese Animated Character Design, Zi Yi See and Saad Noorhayati, Taylor's University, Malaysia

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    Design thinking framework implementation in Yenaiz special school, Darfi Rizkavirwan and Adhreza Brahma, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia

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    Classification of Longan fruit Based on Leaf Image Using RGB Feature Extraction, GLCM and Shape Features with Decision Tree Method, Mohammad Waail Al Wajieh; Purwanto Purwanto; Pujiono Pujiono; Heru Agus Santoso Heru Agus Santoso; Moh. Fajar, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Annuqayah, Indonesia

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    Virtual persona: Digital storytelling alternative on social media, Alima Arief and Ahmad Hafiz, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

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    Creation of Fluid Art under Microgravity Using Free-Fall, Naoko Tosa, Yunian Pang, Shigetaka Toba and Ryohei Nakatsu, Kyoto University, Japan

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    Art Paper: RI #1 - Nike: Resonant Irregularities of Winged Victory of Samothrace, Masasuke Yasumoto and Yuichi Ito, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan

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    Mended Landscape, Marita Ibañez Sandoval, University of Tsukuba, Japan

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    The wearable devices for extending emotional expression that's inconspicuous to wear, Yuiko Suyama and Tetsuaki Baba, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

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    Getting Past Street View, Gary McLeod and Marita Ibañez Sandoval, University of Tsukuba, Japan

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    The Voice of Cicada -The Study of Physical Modeling Synthesis of Insects Chirping, Seiichiro Matsumura, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan

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    Publication: Awareness to nurture the children to learn and read pantun at an early age, Nurhannani Husna Binti Adnan and Aida Md Saad, Management and Science University, Malaysia

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    The Female Empowerment of the Character Designs in Animation, Emma Hardy Binti Imran Hardy Hardy and Dr Noorhayati Binti Saad Saad, Taylor's University, Malaysia

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    Otonona: Experiencing absolute pitch using multimodal augmented reality, Ayumi Oka and Kazutaka Kurihara, Tsuda University, Japan


Mariana Amatullo Mariana Amatullo, PhD
Design for Social Innovation Today: Case Studies from a dynamic global field

Mariana is the President of the Cumulus Association. She is an Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management at Parsons School of Design. She serves as the Vice Provost for Global Executive Education and Online Strategic Initiatives at The New School, New York. Previously, Mariana co-founded and led the award-winning social innovation department, Designmatters, at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California. Mariana’s research and publishing bridge the design and management fields and examine the role designers play in advancing social innovation and organizational learning. Mariana holds a Ph.D. in Management from Case Western Reserve University, an M.A. in Art History and Museum Studies from the University of Southern California, and a Licence en Lettres from the Sorbonne University, Paris, where she also studied Art History at L’Ecole du Louvre. A native of Argentina and the child of a diplomat, Mariana grew up around the world.

Daniel Kim Daniel Kim, Principal of Daylight
Design Thinking to Design Doing - Every Designer's Responsibility

Daniel Kim is a Design Partner at Daylight and the head of Daylight Design Asia in Seoul. Prior to joining Daylight in 2013, Dan was CEO of Nexon America, the U.S. subsidiary of Nexon, a $21B global online game company. He also spent many years at IDEO as a product designer, engineer and a leader in managing business development and client relationships in Asia. Dan has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master's in Product Design from Stanford University.

ADADA+ADAA Creative Education Symposium Online

As the COVID‑19 continues to cause difficulties on a global scale, how is the situation in art and design education changing? In the area of digital activities, it seems that there are not only negative elements, but also opportunities. A year and a half has passed since the spread of COVID‑19, and in order to have an opportunity to summarize what is still troubling and what has improved, we invited educators and researchers from Asia’s leading art and design universities as panelists to introduce case study of their educational practices. In addition, we will deepen the discussion on what the future of creative education will be and how we want it to be.

This symposium will be held in cooperation with Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA (ADAA), a global media art competition that will be held for the 21st time this year, and Faculty of Design, Kyushu University (Japan), which is practicing various educational programs to revitalize the media art field.

Date December 5, 2021 16:20‑18:00 (Korea time)
Organizer Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Co-organizer Asia Digital Art and Design Association ADADA 2021Asia Digital Art Award Executive Committee ADAA
To Contact Asia Digital Art Award Executive Committee Head Office
Email : adaa@design.kyushu‑


We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the upcoming 2021 the 19th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design(ADADA 2021). ADADA 2021 has changed to an online conference using Zoom which will be held on December 4th - 5th, 2021. Best papers are selected from oral and short papers.

The International Conference of ADADA is one of the major conferences about art and design associated with digital technologies. It aims at bringing together researchers, designers, artists and students to present their novel works, to exchange innovative ideas and to discuss the future of digital art and design in Asia.

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as well as, art papers and work in progress on all topics in the general areas of art and design associated with digital technologies. In the general category(Paper and Short paper), all papers should be submitted in the ADADA format(

We look forward to your submission of a practical paper on rethinking art and design education due to the covid-19. In particular, this year we are preparing a different session from previous years called Work in Progress. The Work-in-Progress session invites presentations on research you have just started or are in the process of conducting. Papers submitted to Work in Progress are only briefly screened and are not peer reviewed. Presenters may participate in this session with only a 200-word summary in English. Presentation slides should be prepared in English.

Simultaneous submission to other publication venues is not permitted. The categories for submission are the following:

  • General Category
    • Paper: - Original Article(Technical Papers): 4 pages - Art Papers: 4 pages
    • Short paper: - Original Article(Technical Papers): 1 or 2 pages - Art Papers: 1 or 2 pages
  • Work in Progress Category
    • Abstract: 200 words

Paper length must match the size of the contribution listed in the Categories for Submission above. Papers will be subjected to two-blind peer review by experts. The committee will select papers of exceptional quality for awards. Furthermore, the authors of the selected papers from the conference will be invited to prepare an extended version of their paper to be considered for publishing in ADADA International Journals(ADADA Journal).


ADADA 2021 invites papers describing original contributions in all fields of art and design associated with digital technologies and related research areas. All submissions should be in English. For every accepted submission, it is required that at least one author will attend the conference to present the work. Research topics of interest for ADADA 2021 include, but are not limited to:

  • Interactive Art, Digital Art, Media Art
  • Interaction Design, Interactive Technologies
  • Computer Animation, Computer Graphics, Visual Effects
  • Web Design, Web Application Design, Web Service Design
  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
  • Digital Game and Gamification
  • Social Networks, SNS
  • IoT, Sensor Networks, Big Data
  • Innovative devices, Robotics for Art, Gadgets
  • Education, Digital Archives
  • Digital Content Design
  • Design Theory and Design Methodology
  • Digital Music, Musical Interface, Sonification
  • Design Cases


All submissions must be conducted with our online submission system. We would not accept submissions via e-mail or postal mail. Please submit a PDF proceeding written in only English.

Submission and review of papers for ADADA 2021 will be managed through an online conference paper management system called “EasyChair “. You will need an EasyChair account to be able to submit your paper.

The program committee will review all submissions carefully and select papers of exceptional quality for an award from all categories. Furthermore, the authors of the selected technical papers and art papers from the conference will be invited to prepare an extended version of their paper to be considered for publishing in ADADA International Journals (ADADA Journal).

Technical Paper

Technical Papers are a conventional academic papers. The authors are requested to give their oral presentations at the conference. Any topics about digital art/design fields ranging from technical research to cultural matters can be accepted. Artistic projects are encouraged to submit as Art Papers. In any case, your presentation should mention both aesthetic aspects and technical aspects of your project. Also, a process of the project should be explained logically, and your contribution to digital art/design field must be clarified. Regardless of your topic, you must describe your project in a scholarly manner. Authors must remove any information that may identify them anywhere in the manuscript.

Paper Format (Long Paper: 3 or 4 pages, Short paper: 1 or 2 pages)


Submission Deadline: 22nd October, 2021 (Extended)

Art Paper

Art Papers are more artistically-oriented papers than Technical Papers. You can present any type of artwork, as long as digital technologies are used in it. If you produced a cutting-edge digital art such as a computer animation and an interactive art, Art Papers would be a great showcase at an oral presentation. You can share your ideas between hundreds of artists and researchers, and it may evoke a synergistic effect in the Asian digital art community. You should describe an artistic motivation, a background of your artwork, and how digital technologies are involved in your work, and so on. Authors must remove any information that may identify them anywhere in the manuscript.

Paper Format (Long Paper: 3 or 4 pages, Short paper: 1 or 2 pages)


Submission Deadline: 22nd October, 2021 (Extended)


This is the session for on-going researches or seeds researches. Presentations of faculty students or post-graduate students will be also suitable. Even presenters need to apply with up to 200 words abstractions for the application and each of presentation’s duration will be about 10 minutes using slides in English, they can speak in their native language for actual presentations. The simultaneous interpretation system will be working and multi-languages subtitles will be shown for participants. This is one of our trials of this virtual online conference.


Submission Deadline: November 19th, 2021 (Extended)


General Category
Paper Submission Deadline of Papers 15th October, 202122nd October, 2021 (Extended)
Acceptance Notification 5th November, 2021
Final Version Submission Deadline 12th November, 2021
Work in Progress Category
Submission Deadline 12th November, 202119th November, 2021 (Extended)
Early Bird Registration Deadline 12th November, 202119th November, 2021 (Extended)
Conference Date 4th-5th December, 2021


Registration Type Early Bird (Before Nov. 19, 2021 GMT) Late(After Nov. 20, 2021 GMT)
ADADA/ADADA Alliance/CUMULUS member 50 USD 100 USD
Student 10 USD 20 USD
Other 100 USD 150 USD

ADADA Background Generator

Geoemtry (0-20)
Color Scheme

  1. Type your name and affiliation on the text box(Your name, Your affiliation).
  2. Click Download button to get HD(1920x1080) png image same as on the canvas.
  • Geometry: How many number of geometry you wanna to create.
  • Color Scheme: You can use some color scheme based on ADADA Color Scheme.
  • Repattern: Re-generate geometries, take your favorite one to the conference.

ADADA+CUMULUS International Conference Virtual Background Generator is created by Tetsuaki Baba. This code can be viewed on github. If you have any modifications, please contact me directly via github. Thanks for your contribution in advance.

2021 © Tetsuaki Baba all rights reserved.


Hosting & Organizing Bodies
  • Asia Digital Art and Design Association in Korea
  • Society of Design Convergence
Honorary Chairs
  • Kyle Hyunsuk Kim, Hongik University, South Korea
  • Kunio Kondo, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Friska Natalia, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Irsyad Bin Abdullah, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Ming Turner, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Conference General Chairs
  • Jaeyoung Yun, Hongik University, South Korea
  • Tetsuaki Baba, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Conference Chairs
  • Hyeuk Chung, Hongik University, South Korea
  • Kevin Loo Teow Aik, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Mohammad Rizaldi, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
Program Committee Chairs
  • Joonseo Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
  • Jeeyoun Kim, Hongik University, South Korea
  • Taketoshi Ushiama, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Seiichiro Matsumura, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Chenwei Chiang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
  • Wei-Chi Chien, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • Banung Grahita, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Hisakazu Hada, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Asif Iqbal Hajamydeen, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Zurida Ishak, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Akinori Ito, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Kazuhiro Jo, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Hiroyuki Kajihara, Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan
  • Toshihiro Komma, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
  • Hiroshi Kono, Kurume Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Tatsuro Kudo, Kurume Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Hyun-kyung Lee, Yonsei University, South Korea
  • Hiroyuki Matsuguma, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Kosuke Matsunaga, Sapporo City University, Japan
  • Safinaz Mustapha, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Ryoichi Nakatsu, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Dongwoo Oh, Myongji University, South Korea
  • Takashi Ohta, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
  • Rusyaizila Ramli, Management & Science University, Malaysia
  • Sukanya Ratanotayanon, Thammasat university, Thailand
  • Dianing Ratri, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Pavadee Sompagdee, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Peeraya Sripian, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Joe Takayama, Musashino Art University, Japan
  • Agatha Maisie Tjandra, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
  • Naoya Tsuruta, Toyo University, Japan
  • Arya Wicaksana, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
  • Hong Yan, HaiNan University, China
  • Bharoto Yekti, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia


For further information, please email to